BizGrow Holdings Ltd


Cranbrook House, 61 Cranbrook Road, IG1 4PG


Open 24/7


Cranbrook House, 61 Cranbrook Road, IG1 4PG


Open 24/7

About Us

excellent compliance, quality management systems

About BizGrow Holdings

BizGrow Holdings helps to implement a strategic approach around projects, processes, people and technology. We assist security companies of all sizes to extend efficiencies in their management systems, operations, enable shorter time-to-market with products and services, utilise resources efficiently and effectively, and train management and other staff in the benefits of looking more strategically to gain new contracts, maintain their management systems, processes, people and technologies they use to run their everyday business operations.


In today’s marketplace, security companies need to continue harnessing new strategies and advancements in management systems, processes, latest trends in technologies to succeed. They have to follow the latest standards, compliance and technology that allow security companies to make a leap and stay successful in the market.

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Reason for Choosing BizGrow
Holdings Ltd

  • Quick Response
  • Experienced
  • Flexible Payment

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    Free Consultation

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    Our Approach

    We follow a structured approach with clients, i.e

    Our Core Values

    Where appropriate we update existing quality management systems, processes and procedures or, if required, create new ones designed specifically to meet the needs of your security company. The service that we offer is comprehensive and structured.

    “Our Core Values Make Us Professional”

    Honesty & integrity

    Be transparent, genuine and fair. Operate with the highest degree of personal and professional integrity. We need and want our clients to trust us. This can only happen if we act with honesty and integrity.

    Planning & Strategy

    We aim to help you choose the best of the best quality management operational systems so that you can have the finest business management systems today for a successful and better tomorrow.

    Clients Satisfaction

    Build relationships based on respect, trust and exceptional service. This reflects our commitment to understanding our clients and their businesses and markets.

    Independent Staff

    Understand that trust and responsibility go hand-in-hand. There can be no one-size-fits-all approach and we empower our people to have the flexibility and freedom to deliver what our clients need.


    Our clients’ reviews are a testament to how hard we work and, therefore, the results we can achieve. Our satisfaction rate is beyond measure, and plenty of clients come to us time and time again. They know we can be trusted to deliver, and that they also appreciate the seamless and professional service we provide.

    We have labor provided for since 2017 the reason for my visit today. We use Mr. Javed as our Security ...

    Marshall Security Services Ltd,

    So, we got to know about Javed’s services from Bizgrow and they’d our auditing and since we’ve known Javed we ...

    Blue Nine Security Ltd, Quality and Compliance Manager

    BizGrow Holdings Ltd. is our compliance manager and looks after all the compliance work for Blue Nine security. The reason ...

    Blue Nine Security, Director

    BizGrow Holdings Ltd. is our consultant, they basically provide us with our screening and vetting, also our consultants in the ...

    BNK Services Ltd, Director

    I found BizGrow Holdings Ltd. team very helpful, whenever we need advice on any sort of paperwork from them, they ...

    Supreme Protection Ltd, CEO

    Mr. Javed is our consultant, he helps us to grow our business and guide us through the compliance and ACS ...

    Supreme Protection Ltd, Managing Director

    We get a lot of things from Javed more information and more advice. Because I have a small company. So, ...

    Eagle One Security Ltd, Director

    Dr. Javed has really been helpful with our accreditation, he has done the Safer Security for us and he has ...

    BNK Services Ltd, Managing Director

    “I love Envolve; everyone has been great to work with and you’re all great partner for company, we thank you.”

    Boris Elbert, Managing Director

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    People We've Worked With

    Offering the most competitive pricing structure for all our consultancy, software and App testing services.